【VIP알바】 밤알바 업소알바 유흥알바 당일알바 노래방알바

【VIP알바】 밤알바 업소알바 유흥알바 당일알바 노래방알바
Thursday: Murim Goddess [Episode 1]one moon 1“This place… … . “What i
s this place…”In the bamboo forest rising endlessly toward the sky, a girl loo
ked around with a puzzled expression. She was a girl with deep black eyes lik
e black pearls, hair like ebony, and pure white skin. Her beauty alone was eno
ugh to make many men fall into the clutches of lovesickness accompanied by
high fever and body aches. In addition, the anxiety-filled expression doubled th
e effect, but the good news was that it was deep in the forest and there were
no people, so no man saw her expression.“It’s my first time seeing a tree… … ”
The girl stood up from her seat, holding her cute (?) long-hilted miniature war h
ammer that lay next to her, and looked around her. Although the girl did not tra
vel to many areas, she was a priest of the goddess of battle, and even in her me
【VIP알바】 밤알바 업소알바 유흥알바 당일알바 노래방알바
mories of her pilgrimage to various areas, this was a strange plant that she had e
ncountered for the first time in her life. Moreover, in her own memory, the last th
ing she did was offer her evening prayers to her battle goddess, Majerine, at her
own shrine. It was a situation where there was absolutely no reason for there to
be a causal relationship with this forest.“Is it a dream?”As she looked up at the s
ky with her blank expression, the wind blew and blew the girl’s long hair. It’s not
a dream. The sensations around her were too real to be considered a dream. Eve
n when I pinch her arm, all I feel is pain.“She was apparently offering her prayers t
o the goddess when she heard the goddess say… … , … … Find… … . Is it really a
new world? But something feels wrong… … .”The place of her first sight, her last
【VIP알바】 밤알바 업소알바 유흥알바 당일알바 노래방알바
recollection of her offering up her prayers to her goddess, then one might think
of it as Eleusion, her god-world and warrior’s paradise, but as she imagines and
escribes in her scriptures. It was so different from the scenery. After thinking abou
t it, the girl eventually decided on a forest in another area that had many plants th
at she had never seen before.“I guess I should get out of here first and think abou
t what happens next.”The girl started gathering the tools around her. First of all, she
holds a small battle hammer. Although the head is smaller than a regular battle h
ammer, its destructive power goes without saying, and it is a weapon that has bee
n used for seven years already. A golden ring on her right hand that clearly wasn’t
there before she came here. I don’t know what effect it has, but it appears to be a
【VIP알바】 밤알바 업소알바 유흥알바 당일알바 노래방알바
spell storage ring with built-in attack spells. The anklets worn on both legs are mag
ic tools made by her old friend and archmage Kay, and are artifact-level magic tool
s that dramatically increase jumping and movement speed. 3 healing potions and 3
bottles of holy water. As a high priest, it may be a tool she doesn’t really need, but
since she never knew what situation might arise, the girl kept it in her pocket on h
er belt. Majerine’s Divine Mark, symbolizing her and her own identity. That star ma
rk was a tool to prove that the girl’s command within the church was never low.
“With a tool like this, it can withstand most situations. … … . Food… … . It’s been
a while since I’ve had spicy soup. Ugh~~ I have no choice but to pray to Marger
ine that we can find the village quickly.”